Nice to meet you


My name is Kolapo Olanrewaju, a young man from Nigeria. If you can't pronounce the name above, it's fine. You can call me Olan.

Ever since I was a young child, I have always been captivated by art. The vibrant colors, the intricate details, and the ability to convey emotions and tell stories through brushstrokes fascinated me. At a very early age, I discovered my passion for art and knew that it would be a lifelong journey for me. I spent countless hours doodling and sketching, exploring various mediums and techniques. As a matter of "not fact" I almost came up with a multi-million motion picture company at age 8. As I grew older my thirst for knowledge grew too and so did my my skills, and I began taking on small projects for friends and family. With determination and a thirst for knowledge, I self-taught myself and honed my craft. Out of the numerous specializations of art that are out there i just didn't see how i could be fine with just one, so i decided to become a visual development artist which would allow me to put all my skills and passion to creative use, children's book illustrations/ book illustration in general gives me the opportunity to do that. Today, I am proud to say that I am able to deliver beautiful illustrations to clients worldwide. It brings me immense joy to see my artwork appreciated and cherished by others, knowing that I have found my true calling.